Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Couldn't Resist

You know when you walk into a room and everything just seems to glow! It looks just like a picture and that's when the idea hits! "I need to take a picture of this?!" Okay maybe that has never happened to you but it happens to me all the time. I walked into my room and there on my desk was this lovely little set up I just had to take a picture of...so I did.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Busy Doing Something Else

I just looked at my blog for the first time in almost two months! That is not a good thing! I made a goal to post at least once a week, but obviously that hasn't been happening! I will work on that don't worry! I have been busy though, not just sitting around doing nothing like you probably thought. I have been playing softball, hanging with friends and spring breaking (which was more of winter break because of all the snow we got)!!! As soon as the softball seasons over I will be better, much better!

Here is what keeps me busy! Just a few pictures I took with my phone over the last week or so!

Just af

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Are You Ready for Some Football!!

I am not extremely excited about this Super Bowl because I don't really care what team wins! I am excited about the food and commercials though!!!
Happy Super Bowl Sunday!